Thursday, February 9, 2012

car and bus and LRT

i wonder is the bus services getting worse
or i already get used to driving?

these day i was taking bus to shopping and go to tuition
for 324 leh
they are changed the bus jor
become very comfortable i mean the bus la
cold and nice ^^

But leh when i naik U31
the driver's driving skill make me feel very dizzy....

i think i already get used to the ' taking bus n LRT life' in the past few year~
so i don't feel anything
but now i started to driving car
compared to driving car
taking bus n LRT of course will not as comfortable as driving la

now i already addicted to drive ~
quite SHUANG lo
can go every way u like

but sometimes

i also miss the "taking bus and LRT" time~~

HAHA stupid is it ? XD

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Wa 有超久没上来了了
过了好久好久 发生很多很多事
都没有记录下来 唉。。。

算了 反正每次来这里
不是伤心 就是伤心

我没有怪谁 只是习惯的碎碎念

反正 这是我选择的路 不是吗?

我依旧在这些伤感的日子中 不多不少 寻获可爱的快乐
所以 偶尔的伤感 反而造就了  开心的体会
伤心快乐 傻傻分不清呀 -_- |||

XD 说什么嘛......


只要想 “幸好我还活着” 就好啦 ~

我 温嘉怡 21 还在这个名叫地球的行星
在亚洲 马来西亚 吉隆玻里
某个叫 Pandan Indah 的地区



世界 不要忘记我!!

P/S : 纯粹个人深夜后疯狂言语症候群 作祟

请以“-_-|||”或 “XD”的态度来阅读  但不能批评 3Q